AAO Tutors
Supporting extended classroom learning

Welcome to the AAO Tutors' page! AAO Tutors are experienced sophomore and junior students of different majors helping freshmen engage their active learning and develop critical thinking skills. Tutors help students learn how to learn and find answers on their own. They also provide assistance with skills outside the course content to teach note-taking skills, reading strategies, and writing tips.

This semester, AAO Tutors hold meetings one-to-one and in a group with students to teach the academic content on PHYS161, PHYS162, CSCI151, CSCI152, MATH161, MATH162 and bi-weekly group sessions with students to teach the academic content on CHEM 101, CHEM102, ECON101, ECON102.

Please be advised that not all classes are supported by AAO Tutoring.

How to contact AAO Tutors?

They are available during the times below by scheduled appt, as well as, e-mail.

Email: aao_ssfteam@nu.edu.kz

Courses for which we offer tutoring services in Spring 2025

  • MATH161 Calculus I
  • MATH162 Calculus II
  • PHYS161 Physics for Scientists and Engineers I
  • PHYS162 Physics for Scientists and Engineers II
  • CSCI151 Programming for Scientists and Engineers
  • CSCI152 Performance and Data Structures
  • CHEM101 General Chemistry I
  • CHEM102 General Chemistry II
  • ECON101 Introduction to Microeconomics
  • ECON102 Introduction to Macroeconomics

AAO Tutors' Office Hours

  • Mondays-Fridays
  • Appointments required
Watch this video to listen to the student feedback about the AAO Tutoring Program!

Tutoring is a free resource and service offered through the Academic Advising Office (AAO) to supplement existing academic success and support services provided by the NU Faculty.
Peer tutoring targets our highest demand courses through open tutoring sessions.

If you need help in a class, you're not alone! We offer peer tutoring programs to help you succeed with your academic goals.
Peer Tutoring Experience
Tutoring Rules
You can be on the blacklist if you are a no-show on your appointment and/or forgot to notify until the meeting.

While signing up for the meeting, make sure you select the right date and time, and please put down the topic you want to discuss.
2024-2025 AAO Tutors Team
Want to chat with AAO Tutors in Telegram?
Come and Visit Us!
Room: Block 9, 9119
Email: aao_ssfteam@nu.edu.kz