Student tips
We hope these tips will help you succeed in your student and academic life
10 tips that will help you get the best out of experience as an NU student
1.Organize your schedule and deadlines
At the beginning of the semester, try to get a planner, personal diary, or download an online planning app (such as Notion, Google Calendar) and write down all your class assignments, deadlines, quizzes, midterms, finals, group meetings, office hours, events. You will have dozens of different assignments during your college years and writing down everything helps you to stay organized, submit and do everything on time.
2.Try to use a 5 step study cycle for an effective study process
This 5-step approach can help you create a regular study habit and study more efficiently. 
  • Preview: Before the start of the class review the whole material. Try to skim the chapter/s, keywords, note headings, formulas, review summaries, abstracts, conclusion of the articles, chapter objectives, and come up with questions to ask. 
  • Attend: Showing up for class not only can help you understand the material better, but can help you understand what the professor considers most important. When the quiz, midterm or final will come, you'll be glad you were in class ready to take notes. So, GO TO CLASS, be active, ask questions and take notes! 
  • Review: Within 24 hours of class, try to review notes, fill in gaps and develop any last questions you may have. 
  • Study: This part is up to you and your study. You can manage your study time according to your pace. We suggest you do at least 3–5 short but intense study sessions per day, as well as study on weekends to review the notes, finish all assignments on time and ahead of time. 
  • Assess: You can ask yourself whether your study method is effective personally for you? Did you perform and learn the material well enough to do well on the exam and remember the material for a long term perspective? If not, maybe you are missing something. 
3.Always back your files
Imagine for a second, having your laptop break down in the middle of finishing your unsaved essay that you were writing for several days, or losing important documents. Stressing, right? Google Drive makes this easy as can be. 
4.Get to know your professors
Visit office hours, ask questions and make the professor remember you and have a positive impression of you. Especially get to know your major-related professor department and faculty, since they will be along your major study path and can share their own experience. 
5.Meet with your academic advisor and career center regularly
Your academic advisor will be your guide through your academic journey at NU. You can address your academic issues, consult on your major-related questions and ask for help. Career Center is another unit that will help you to build your career life by connecting you with research, internship, and work-related opportunities. 
6.Join a student club
Joining a club is the best way to be involved at NU, grow your network, develop both hard and soft skills, and find what you love. Don’t be afraid to join several clubs and discover what you love. Student club recruitment usually is at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters, so don’t miss out on the announcements.
7.Don’t plagiarize
Academic integrity is a core value at NU. Any case of plagiarism and dishonesty is severely punished. Our students know that Turnitin, misconduct, and cheating are not jokes. It is better if you will learn how to cite the sources, and develop your own writing routine and style. 
8.Start building your CV/Resume and register on LinkedIn
If you don’t have a CV/Resume yet, we strongly recommend you to do so. Try to gradually build up a professional CV during your studies and ask for help if needed. After building up your CV, we strongly suggest you register on LinkedIn as early as possible and grow your network. 
9.Take care of your health
Your mental and physical health is important, especially during a new chapter of your life. Constant temptations to eat junk food, drink lots of caffeine, missing workouts is quite common during dorm life. However, it is important to remember that having a healthy lifestyle is important. Drink water, sleep well, eat fruits and vegetables, go to the gym, and pool and walk around the campus in between studying.
10.Find all resources that your school offers
Discover many opportunities that are offered at NU. Career fairs, seminars, mock interviews, research assistant positions, work opportunities, exchange programs, health centers, tech support, and many more. Be active, curious, explore and try all opportunities that NU offers.
Find a study space

A comfortable place for studying is indeed important, and for that reason we created a collection of study places, apart from the Library’s Extension and Study rooms and Dormitory Study Rooms, which you can use!