Welcome to the Major Exploration Program, designed specifically for first-year undecided students!

We understand that choosing a major can be a significant and sometimes challenging decision. Our program is here to help you explore your interests, identify your strengths, and make an informed choice about your academic future.

Let’s embark on this journey together and discover the path that’s right for you!
What We Offer
  • Resources and Assessments

    Access a variety of tools and assessments to help you understand your interests and how they align with potential majors. Our resources will guide you in making a well-informed decision.
  • Workshops and Seminars

    Participate in interactive workshops and seminars that cover a range of topics, including major selection, career exploration, and goal setting.
  • Networking Opportunities

    Meet with faculty and current students from various departments. Learn about their experiences, ask questions, and gain valuable insights into different majors and career paths.

Choosing a major is an important step in your academic journey, and we are here to support you every step of the way.
The Major Exploration Program is designed to provide you with the guidance and resources you need to make a confident and informed decision.
Major Exploration Program
schedule of events
Stay up-to-date with all our upcoming events and activities by accessing our calendar of events here.
From workshops and seminars to networking opportunities and social gatherings, our calendar provides all the details you need to participate and make the most of your academic experience.
Welcome Orientation and Program Introduction

Aim: This session introduces students to the Major Exploration program, its objectives, and the resources available.

August 26, 16:00, Room 5E438
Self-Assessment Workshop

Aim: Help students assess their interests, strengths, and values in choosing a major.
August 29, 16:00
Majors Fair

Aim: Provide an overview of available majors and related career paths.
September 11, 12:00-14:00
Major Exploration Series

Aim: Expose students to various major options at NU

Session from the PSIR Department

Introduction to Comparative Politics
September 18, 13:00
Room 5E.438
Majors Speed Dating

Aim: Facilitate quick, informal conversations between students and representatives from various majors.

Registration is not available.
November 6, 18:00
Mid-Year Reflection and Peer Mentor Storytelling Night

Aim: Provide a relaxed environment for students to hear personal experiences from peers who have chosen their majors. Reflect on the first semester's experiences and set goals for the second semester.

Registration is not available.
November 15, 16:00
Explore our library of materials, including guides and assessment tools, designed to help you make informed decisions about your major and career path.
Whether you're looking for detailed major descriptions, career outlook information, or personal development resources, you'll find everything you need to succeed.
Start exploring now and take advantage of all the valuable resources available to you!
Steps to help guide your major exploration
  • Assess your interests and passions
    Consider what subjects or topics you genuinely enjoy and find yourself naturally drawn towards. Identifying your interests will make it easier to select a major that aligns with your passions.
  • Explore potential career paths
    Look into the qualifications and skills required for those roles. Speak with professionals working in those fields to gain insights into the day-to-day tasks, work environment, and growth opportunities associated with the careers you are interested in.
  • Attend university fairs and open houses
    These events provide valuable information about curriculum, faculty expertise, and the overall atmosphere of the university. Attend as many of these events as possible to gather insights and get a feel for the majors you are interested in.
NU Resources

Choosing a major is a significant decision as it sets the foundation for a student's academic and professional future.
Take advantage of the NU resources to make the best decision for you.
AAO Resources

There are many AAO resources that students can use right now to explore their interests and discover the path that they may want to pursue.
Holland's Theory of Vocational Choice
Applications of Holland’s theory of vocational choice involve assessing individuals in terms of two or three prominent personality types and then matching the respective types with the environmental aspects of potential careers.
Major Selection Guide
These probing examinations can help you select your major, and they may be especially useful if you’re trying to decide between various attractive possibilities. Tick the options that are appropriate for a specific major.
This information won’t guide you directly toward a specific major, but it will help you evaluate whether various fields of study actually harmonize with your prime motivations.
For Parents
For parents, the information about the Academic Advising Office is listed there in KAZ & RUS languages.
We also have the special web-page for them with the AAO Handbook for Parents here.
Open House Day Materials
Please access the AAO materials from the Open House Day in Astana here
NU Students About their Majors

Listen to AAO Radiolab 1!

Big things are happening at the Academic Advising Office (AAO) - we're very excited to announce that AAO develops AAO Radiolab 1 podcast.

In Season 2, we bring together representatives from various fields of study to delve into the intricacies of different majors, offering valuable insights to help you make informed decisions about your academic and professional journey. Whether you're a high school student exploring potential majors, NU student contemplating a switch, Season 2 is your go-to source for gaining a deeper understanding of the majors available and the opportunities they present.

Our discussions cover a wide range of topics, including the core curriculum, career prospects, industry trends, and the unique aspects that set each major apart. We aim to demystify the decision-making process, providing you with the information you need to confidently choose the major that aligns with your passions, goals, and aspirations.

NU Students about Majors

Majors Fair

The annual Majors fair is a great way to talk with professors and other students about our programs. It's also your chance to learn more about the careers available in your field, what skills you should be developing in university, and how you can get involved in research opportunities.

Questions To Ask About A Major

Part of the major exploration process is learning about specific majors from the experts. Talking with a faculty member in a major you’re interested in is a great way to learn more about academic fields and determine what is a good fit for you based on your interests, skills, and abilities. We have prepared possible questions that you can ask faculty members during the Majors Fair:

  • Why should I consider this major?
  • What initially attracted you to this academic field?
  • If I chose this major, what topics would I be studying?
  • What are the best introductory classes to take to explore this major?
  • What type of coursework and projects can I expect in the classes for this major?
  • What coursework in this major do students typically find to be most challenging?
  • What skills will this major help me develop?
  • What are the characteristics of students who are most successful in this major?
  • Which student organizations do you recommend I get involved with to explore this major?
  • What types of internships or out-of-classroom experiences do you recommend?
  • Where do students in this major typically complete internships?
  • What types of career paths are related to this major?
  • What is the job placement rate for students who graduate with this major?
  • Will I need to pursue graduate school to work in a career related to this major?
  • What is your favorite class to teach in this major?
  • Do students typically complete a double major, minor, or certificate with this major?
  • Can you refer me to a current student in this major?

Reflect On What You Learned:

  • What did you learn that excites you about this major?
  • What did you hear that makes you concerned about this major?
  • What additional information do you need about this major?
  • Based on the information, did your interest in this major increase, decrease, or stay the same?

We have also prepared a worksheet "Exploring and Comparing Majors" which will help you compare majors that you are considering.

Download the worksheet "Exploring and Comparing Majors"