Time Management
Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between different activities. Get it right, and you'll end up working smarter, not harder, to get more done in less time – even when time is tight and pressures are high.
When things go out of your control you may feel anxiety, nervousness and stress. Remember to slow down when necessary. Keeping your own pace and not comparing yourself with others are very important in reaching success.

We would like to share with you top 6 tips that may help you:
Tip #1 Set achievable goals and prioritize your tasks.

If you have a lot of things to do, it is recommended to use the Eisenhower matrix or it is also called 4 Ds of time management: Do, Decide, Delegate and Delete. It helps you to prioritize your tasks into one of 4 groups:

Do: Tasks that are important and urgent.
Decide: Tasks that are important but not urgent.
Delegate: Tasks that are urgent but not important.
Delete: Tasks that are neither urgent nor important.
Tip #2 Create a daily plan or to-do list.

To do list can be created at the beginning of the day or prior one day. Try to make it simple. To see half done lists day by day could be disheartening. It is better to not promise yourself and complete more tasks.

Word your list items as if you've already completed them. Instead of "Submit Assignment to Course Instructor" write "Assignment to Course Instructor Submitted." This little trick will give you an extra boost of motivation when you go to cross the tasks off your list.

At the end of the week, it is recommended to revise your accomplishments and congratulate yourself on your successes. It will give you more motivation and confidence to continue to plan your next weeks.
Tip #3 Use the 80-20 Rule.

The rule 80/20 is aimed to find certain activities in your daily life to reach success. We perform many tasks every day, however not all of them can lead to good results. Because of that one can feel anxious and stressed out. By sorting out what activities are the most effective you can be more productive. 
As an example, 
The 80/20 rule is also known as the Pareto Principle. The definition states that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. 
80% of what we achieve is a direct result of the 20% of the actions we take. There are a small number of certain activities you do every day which are creating most of your happiness (or unhappiness) and most of your results (whether they are good or bad). Here are some examples: 

- 20% of what you spend your time on doing gives you 80% of your happiness. 
- You wear 20% of your clothes 80% of the time.
- 20% of the people you know stands for 80% of how happy you are with your social life. 

So how does this apply to your studies? 20% of the studying you are doing is leading to the majority of your results. When it comes to exams, because of the limited time they have to test your knowledge on a subject –you will be tested on the most important ideas of the course, which tends to be about 20% of the material they teach. The key is to focus 80% of your time studying the core content that is going to be on your exam. The hardest thing is eliminating things that are less important.

Anyone can use the 80-20 rule to find out where to spend their time. If you're unsure of what activities are in your 20%, you should do a time audit or use a time tracking tool as this will give a better indication what activities are having the greatest impact and taking up the most time.

Tip # 4 Schedule breaks between tasks.

It is important to have a break after working at high intensity. It is recommended to schedule a break at least every 90 minutes. After 90 minutes we begin to use emergency reserves of energy to keep us going. Taking a break can help you to focus on main tasks and keep your productivity. 
Tip # 5 Use time management apps.

We know that there are a lot of distractions when we are working. So you can use “do not disturb” functions in your computer and phone. Also there are tools like Self Control and Freedom which will block you from distracting websites, social media etc. 

It is easier to schedule your day when you know where your time is going in the first place. There are time management apps, where you can monitor your progress and avoid procrastination. 

We are also sharing with you some recommended apps that you can use.

Tip #6 Don't strive for perfection.

Please remember that done is better than perfect. You may fail repeatedly, but you can learn from your mistakes and do it better next time. Look at every effort as an experiment—a valuable step on your journey, no matter what the outcome.
Additional resources
If you still struggle with managing your time we recommend you to listen to this short Linkedin course Time Management for Busy People by Samantha Bennett here
Below are some insights from the course that you can start using now.
Stop being overwhelmed
Turn off alerts and notifications. Get used to being decisive.

Utilize 10-10-10 rule

Before doing something ask yourself:
Will this matter in 10 mins?
Will this matter in 10 months?
Will this matter in 10 years?

Desire is the
gas in your tank
How much do you feel like actually doing the actual thing?

Assess tasks according to your willingness

1 - I don't feel I like it at all
10 - I can't wait to do it
Recognize what motivates you - your 10s
Recognize what fatigues you - 1s, 2s, and 3s
If there are too many 1s, 2s or 3s think about what can motivate to continue doing this task or allow yourself a reward.
Emotional management
Sometimes the problem we're having isn't time management, but emotional management. We're trapped in a strong feeling and can't get past it.

90-second art

Take a piece of paper, pen or markers
Make the shape of the feelings
Draw out what it's like to be feeling the way you are.
It works because feelings want to be felt.
Once you acknowledge your feelings, you can move past them.

Time management tips from AAO