AAO completed Group Advising sessions for the Spring semester.
This semester we decided to diversify the sessions by inviting all undergraduate students and we have found that group advising sessions are popular not only among freshman students but also among senior and NUFYP students who actively participated in our sessions. Some sessions were in demand and we had to open extra places. The name of the popular sessions:

1. “Tips from straight A students” – during the session our fellows Galiya Saktaganova, Assemgul Alpysbayeva, Moldir Berkaliyeva shared their stories and tips to be excellent. We sorted out the myths and talked about doable steps for straight A students.

2. “Keep Things Moving”. It was a heartwarming session for advisors and students where everyone was able to share their issues related to time management and tried to motivate and support each other. We understand that time management is one of the popular problems among people and how it negatively affects students. We talked about how to focus and in the meantime stop being overwhelmed.

3. “Be aware of NU Resources: Internships & Exchange Programs”. During the sessions, we are also inviting other departments. We have found that a lot of students are interested in Exchange programs, so we decided to organize an information session with Office Global Relations. If you missed the session, we shared their presentation in our telegram chat. At the end of the session, our fellows shared their internship experiences.
After each group advising session, we see that students got something useful and they are
not alone. We hope that we make students’ experiences brighter and clear.

  • I really enjoyed the session. Gained more knowledge about creating habits and expanded understanding of how to build your habits in the right way.
    Student A
  • Thanks to this session, I've gotten a more in-depth nature of habits, I also understand how different is every person’s viewpoints.
    Student B
  • The friendly environment helped me to express my thoughts
    Student C
  • Thank you for doing this, it was really helpful and I was happy to be a part of this community! Have a nice day! Can't wait to see the next session!
    Student D